Martin the midnight madman

One day me and my friend David were walking behind fresh co when suddenly we feel, a very cold wind. We turn around to see a man in a trench coat, he said "well boys, Drop your pants.
David checked his watch, and it was 11:59, martin did not move until the watch said 12:00. Martin than lunged at us and said "than i will drop em for ya"! David and i than screamed
Martin tried to undo Davids belt. David than kicked martin in the face. Martin than lunged at me, and than i showed him a girl on my phone, than he shreiked and ran away.
Me and David had no idea what it was, but we decided to investigate further. We followed the smell of sweat and shame until we approached a house labeled "The Boys". David wanted to
leave, but we needed to find out what this penis craving beast was, and why it targeted David and I. I broke into the house, it was strange, the door was unlocked, and it was almost as
if he wanted us to follow him. I felt a strange sense of being watched, and I knew David did too. What we saw next was horrible, we walked in and this man allowing another man to poo on him.
We screamed, he than said "NOW YOUR THE TOILET PAPER"! He lunged at us at a tremendous speed, he than started waving his ass in the air as if he just didint care. David and I ran for the
Door very frightened. David and i just ran, we didint look back. To this day david and i still hear those words, " Drop Your Pants". We still try to hunt for him, but, he always slips